Ballet Kelowna on Instagram: "Award-winning choreographer @alysapires returns with her third creation for Ballet Kelowna, following the incredible reception to MAMBO (in 2018) and her acclaimed full-length adaptation of Macbeth (in 2022). Pires’ latest work, Vestiges, is a striking commentary on the search for true connection and meaning amid disorder and will highlight the virtuosity of Pires’ bold and lively choreography. Get your tickets now via the link in our bio!" ▶1:06
Ballet Kelowna adapts Shakespeare’s Macbeth ▶1:45
The Cowboy Act Suite (Stage Trailer) ▶1:09
Aspen Devir_Center_Ballet Kelowna_Audition_2025 ▶2:04
Aspen Devir_Contemporary Solo_Ballet Kelowna_Audition 2025 ▶1:32
Petrushka (Trailer) ▶1:11
Ballet Kelowna begins 2023/24 season with mixed program ▶2:15
Aspen_Devir_Barre_Ballet Kelowna_25 ▶3:30
Ballet Kelowna returns to the stage ▶1:35
Ana Fernanda Ballet Kelowna Audition ▶3:11
Aspen Devir_Partnering Excerpt_ Ballet Kelowna_Audition_2025 ▶4:01
Ballet Kelowna prepares ‘invigorating’ performance ▶1:46
Kelowna Ballet Performance: From Ex-Ballet Dancer to Fancy Shawl Enthusiast ▶0:09
Valentines Day, Ballet Kelowna, Neville Bowman, Andrew Allen, Kinga Heming all on this weekend ▶1:03
Ballet Kelowna delves into love and loss ▶2:13
Ballet celebrates 20 years ▶1:35
Ballet Kelowna celebrates love in honour of Valentine’s Day ▶1:59
Ballet Kelowna on Instagram: "The lighting in the studio was perfect for our costume run of @robertstephen1’s In the Light of the Waking Sun, with warm sunshine streaming through our back window. Tech rehearsals at the Kelowna Community Theatre are already underway as we put the finishing touches on our Ex Animo: From the Heart program for this weekend. Tickets are still available for February 14 + 15, via the theatre’s box office! Get your tickets via the link in our bio! https://theatre.kelown ▶0:08
YouTube対談 LIVE Vol. 127 カナダ ケロウナ バレエ団所属 平古場 陸さん ▶1:19:31
【全編無料公開】ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「ドン・キホーテ」 The National Ballet Theatre of UKRAINE/Don Quixote ▶1:52:41
Ballet Kelowna celebrates female creativity ▶1:56
Find in video from 02:12 Invitation to Ballet Kelowna Show ▶2:44
Ballet Kelowna prepares for latest showcase that features the works of female choreographers ▶1:41
Ballet Kelowna heating up stage with tango Feb. 1 ▶3:26
Ashley Bouder ▶1:04
Bolero (Trailer) ▶2:58
Ballet Kelowna commemorates Remembrance Day with weekend performances ▶1:37
A sneak peak at rehearsals for Kelowna’s Nutcracker ballet ▶3:23
Kelowna10 on Instagram: "💃✨ Love is in the air… and on stage! 💫 Celebrate Valentine’s weekend with @balletkelowna Ex Animo—a breathtaking tribute to human connection through movement. 🩰💖 Feb. 14 & 15 at the Kelowna Community Theatre for a performance featuring works by renowned choreographers Cameron sinkʷə Fraser-Monroe, Alysa Pires, and Robert Stephen. *ballet *valentinesday *dance *kelowna *ylw" ▶2:15
Ballet Kelowna in Studies of Cash ▶2:24
Ballet Kelowna coming to the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Sept. 18 - Vernon News ▶3:14
Ballet Kelowna takes performance online ▶1:21
Ballet Kelowna prepares for collaborative season finale ▶1:01
Leonid Sarafanov Ballet Class ▶1:20
Alonzo King LINES Ballet ▶1:58
【※公演終了】ウクライナ国立バレエ「ドン・キホーテ」PV ▶2:32
Ballet Kelowna prepares for season finale ▶1:22
Ballet Kelowna stages ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ to celebrate 15th season ▶1:41
Royal Winnipeg Ballet School Auditions ▶2:01
Local choreographer shines ▶2:46
【※公演終了】ウクライナ国立バレエ「雪の女王」ボリュメトリックPV ▶8:50
A holiday tradition for over a century, the Nutcracker ballet comes to Kelowna ▶1:37:13
【動画レポート】ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「ドン・キホーテ」公開ゲネプロ ▶1:46:53
【バレエ:黒鳥Va】オシポワ、ギエム、ロパートキナ等6人| Who is your favorite ballerina in Odile Variation in Swan Lake act3? ▶1:29
【字幕説明入り】ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「くるみ割り人形」全幕 ▶1:26:52
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker ▶1:09
【※公演終了 2023年7-8月開催】「ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)」出演者紹介*1 オリガ・ゴリッツァ ▶1:24
ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「シンデレラ」全3幕(2018.12.27開催公演) ▶3:45
Return to the Studio | The National Ballet of Canada ▶2:16
【※公演終了 2023年7-8月開催】「ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)」出演者紹介*4 ニキータ・スハルコフ ▶2:04
バレエ「瀕死の白鳥」エカチェリーナ・コンダウーロワ ▶1:35
Ballet Kelowna takes performance online ▶1:45
Ballet Kelowna closes 20th anniversary season with double bill ▶2:24
Ballet Kelowna returns to the stage ▶1:34
Ballet Kelowna adapts Shakespeare’s Macbeth ▶1:45
Kelowna ballet and symphony companies join forces for a show celebrating 150 years of Canada ▶1:59
Ballet Kelowna brings crowd favorites back to the stage ▶2:04
Ballet Kelowna prepares ‘invigorating’ performance ▶1:37:13
Ballet Kelowna launches new season with celebrity appearance ▶2:24
Ballet Kelowna closes 20th anniversary season with double bill ▶2:05:32
ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「くるみ割り人形」全編 ▶1:17
Kelowna ballet and symphony companies join forces for a show celebrating 150 years of Canada ▶3:16
【字幕説明入り】ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「白鳥の湖」全編 KYIV BALLET/SWAN LAKE ▶1:34
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction of 【2023年7-8月開催】「ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)」出演者紹介*2 カテリーナ・ミクルーハ ▶16:52
【※公演終了 2023年7-8月開催】「ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)」出演者紹介*2 カテリーナ・ミクルーハ ▶17:00
【3分でわかる!】ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「雪の女王」あらすじ ▶4:08
Ballet Kelowna brings crowd favorites back to the stage ▶11:30
【動画レポート】ウクライナ国立バレエ・ウクライナ国立歌劇場来日公演 記者会見 ▶1:41
Ballet Kelowna’s winter production 'Ex Animo' to celebrate human connection - Kelowna News ▶17:47
デビューから半年で戦争を見た17歳のバレリーナ 名門バレエ団奇跡の日本公演【報ステ 企画完全版】【ウクライナ国立バレエ】 ▶6:34
【動画レポート】「キエフ・バレエ支援チャリティーBALLET GALA in TOKYO」公演 ▶2:05:32
Vernon dancer, choreographer's work comes full circle with Ballet Kelowna show ▶1:09
14歳・中学2年のバレリーナ、ロシアの超名門バレエ学校・ワガノワへの道。石井久美子がレッスンで伝えた大事なこと。進路について家族の気持ちは。 ▶12:53
Ballet Kelowna heating up stage with tango Feb. 1 ▶2:20
バレエ「ライモンダ」からグラン・パ/エカテリーナ・クリサノワ&スクヴォルツォフ ▶4:00
【厳選バレエ】コーレワ, オスモルキナ 4人のタリスマンVa.| Who is your favorite ballerina in Talisman Niriti variation? ▶1:31
ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「白鳥の湖」全編 KYIV BALLET/SWAN LAKE ▶7:17
Ballet Kelowna, Feb 2nd ▶1:32
【厳選バレエ】10人のバレリーナ キトリ第三幕Va.| Which ballerina is your favorite? Kitri Act3 Variation ▶4:17
【公演映像】K-BALLET TOKYO「マーメイド」飯島望未・山本雅也 ▶1:42
The Rising Action program set to take centre stage in November - Kelowna News ▶1:12
Toes line dance ▶8:50
Ballerina Look book/ルックブック バレリーナ/룩북 발레리나 ▶15:31
花のワルツ、バレエ「くるみ割り人形」20/26 第2幕第13曲、キエフ・シェフチェンコバレエ団 ▶4:17
Grab your tickets for the Christmas ballet classic in Kelowna - Kelowna News ▶4:11
真珠のヴァリエーション、バレエ「イワンと仔馬」から、ワガノワ・ロシア・バレエ・アカデミー ▶11:29
Ballet Kelowna in Split House Geometric ▶2:22
Longtime Ballet Kelowna dancer retiring after over a decade with the company - Kelowna News ▶17:32
Two world premieres ▶0:55
Dancing Fool ▶2:01
【見て学ぶバレエ】ウリヤーナ・ロパートキナによるエトワールのVa.を解説。*バレエ *ウクライナ *バレエコンクール *ballet *ウリヤーナロパートキナ *ulianalopatkina ▶0:11
【ザハロワ特集②】ロミジュリVa.&バルコニー&FINAL| Best of Svetlana Zakharova's Juliet ▶0:34
バレエ「瀕死の白鳥」ウリヤーナ・ロパートキナ ▶0:54
【厳選バレエ】永久メイ・青山季可 4人のバレリーナ ドン・キホーテ キューピッドVa.| Who is your favorite ballerina in Cupid variation? ▶13:18
Highlight from Kyiv Ballet Gala 2022/ キエフ・バレエ・ガラ2022公演レポート≪for J-LODlive3≫ ▶3:09
The Butterfly Dance / Ballet kids / solo variation for children ▶5:22
Royal Academy of Dance at Home | Beginners Ballet for Adults | Lesson 1 ▶1:45
Kelowna, Join Ballerina Chan Hon Goh on Feb. 25 ▶15:23
大きな白鳥達の踊り「白鳥の湖」第13曲f 第2幕、P.I.チャイコフスキー名称サンクトペテルブルグ・バレエ団 ▶
Upcoming Theatre Shows in May ▶
Advance Competition Prep ▶
The National Ballet of Ukraine ▶
「くるみ割り人形」よりパ・ド・ドゥ キエフ・バレエ アンナ・ムロムツェワ&ニキータ・スハルコフ ▶
【3分でわかる!】ウクライナ国立バレエ(旧キエフ・バレエ)「ドン・キホーテ」あらすじ ▶
【動画レポート】ウクライナ国立バレエ (旧キエフ・バレエ) 「Thanks Gala 2023」ゲネプロ ▶
小4・小5部門 第3位 篠原 杏 パキータより第4のVa 第1回YBCバレエコンクール埼玉 ▶
バレエ「ボレロ」 / ジュリアン・ファブロー & ベジャール・バレエ・ローザンヌ ▶



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